feathers are incredibly durable yet delicate.

feathers are made out of a protein-like substance called Keratin. Keratin is the toughest of animal materials. If taken care properly, your feathered products can last a lifetime!


if your feathers get wet:

- gently dab out excess moisture from feathers with a soft, clean cloth going in the direction of the feather barbs.

- for quilled feathers, lay them flat to dry.

- for fluffy plumage feathers, gently blow dry going in the direction of the barbs.


if your feathers get dirty:

- gently rub off any dirt particles withy your fingers, going in the direction of the barbs.

- lightly dampen feathers with a soft, clean cloth.

- gentle/mild soaps may be used for trickier soils. In this case, gently rub soap into feather going in the direction of the barbs.

- rinse carefully with clean water.

- for quilled feathers, lay them flat too dry.

- for fluffy plumage feathers, gently blow dry in the direction of the barbs.


if your feathers get misshaped:

- for bent or curved feathers, hair straighteners work wonders. Straighten in the direction of the barbs.